September 27, 2004


Attendance: 12 members and 3 guests


Gerri Schwartz introduced the program with a short presentation on the “Literacy of Citizenship”. Gerri's inspirational address covered the following points:


In a brief discussion following Gerri's presentation the following points were made:

Roundtable Discussion of Themes for Connections III

Theme 1: Inspiring students and young people as tomorrow's leaders to embrace high values of respect, cooperation and responsibility.

Highlights of Mini-Conference, January 26, 2004: An audience of 60 people, including participants from 8 school districts, heard a presentation on the Living Values program and discussed strategies for the teaching of values in schools.

Developments since the Mini-Conference:

Theme 2: Leading the way on initiatives to transform industrial society for a sustainable future.

Highlights of Mini-Conference, March 22, 2004: An audience of 50 people, including participants from several municipalities, heard presentations on the challenges and dangers facing us locally and globally because of the enormous consumption of energy (mainly from fossil fuels) by industrial societies and because of the rapidly declining reserves of oil and gas. In the discussion period participants put forward a large number of ideas for action.

Developments since the Mini-Conference: Desmond Berghofer is working with the Canadian Commission for UNESCO to focus national and world attention on sustainability. The City of Vancouver has developed a draft plan on a response to climate change. Other jurisdictions are also showing leadership on this issue.

Theme 3: Fostering a spirit of stewardship for the Earth to sustain our spectacular natural heritage for all future generations.

Highlights of the Mini-Conference, May 31, 2004: An audience of 27 people, including school district plant personnel, heard a presentation from the GVRD on the Benefits of Eco-Efficiency in Our Schools, Institutions, and Businesses and shared their knowledge and expertise in making their plants more ecologically efficient.

Developments since the Mini-Conference: Desmond Berghofer reported that he has assumed the Chair of the Board of the Gulf Islands Centre for Ecological Learning, which is moving towards the implementation of residential and day programs for students in 2005. Jim Haliburton reported that the GVRD has committed to doing a full environmental audit on 5 educational institutions.

Theme 4: Setting the standard for ethical competence and relationships to support an advanced and enlightened 21st century society.

Gerri Schwartz and Diane Jennings described the plans for the Mini-Conference to be held on this theme on October 25, 2004. A flyer describing the program was distributed (attached). Several guest speakers will make presentations on their achievements through partnered work. The audience will be engaged in dialogue to enhance partnering relationships. Everyone was asked to invite guests who would have something to contribute to this discussion.

Theme 5: Enlarging the vision of health to include prevention and complementary care and make British Columbia a lighthouse of healthy living for the world.

The Mini-Conference on this topic will be held on November 22, 2004. The intent will be to highlight stories of what people are doing to promote prevention and healthy lifestyles.

Connections III

A discussion was held on how the above themes could be brought together under the general theme of interdependence outlined by Gerri in her introduction.

Connections III was envisaged as a forum of displays and opportunities for people to meet and share their ideas on living well together in a sustainable way.

Everyone is invited to submit ideas for the planning of Connections III to Desmond and Gerri at

Next Meeting
October 25, 2004: 5:30 – 8:30 p.m., Vancouver Public Library
Theme: Relationships and Personal Development
Topic: Partners in Action