November 22, 2004
Attendance: 7 members, 3 friends and 38 guests
Desmond Berghofer welcomed people on behalf of the Institute and asked them to introduce themselves. This is the fifth of five mini-conferences being held in 2004. Brief reference was made to the previous events and to several ongoing projects being supported by the Institute. Further information can be found at
The program was introduced by Gerri Schwartz who then handed over to Maggie Gold, Leader of the Health and Wellness Sector, to chair the session.
The content of introductory remarks made by Gerri and Maggie is included in the accompanying report.
Maggie introduced the Guest Speakers:
The content of the presentations by the speakers is included in the accompanying report.
Following the presentations the audience formed into several facilitated discussion groups to consider the following two questions:
In a following plenary session group spokespersons reported on the discussion in their groups and agreed to forward a written summary for inclusion in the accompanying report.
The report of the program was subsequently prepared by Desmond Berghofer under the title “Preserving the Health of Citizens: Society's Great Challenge.” A draft of this report was circulated to participants for review and comment. A final report will be prepared for wide distribution and posted online.